lilies & these eroded
& here there’s something in
the lilies here & there & over that way something • in the lilies the slick sienna tongues of antlered stamen anthers split to smudge the white here right here & over • that way a lilied crush of shell at the seaside crisp & tonguing • again & again here & over that way • lilies at shoredge over here & over that • weigh the phrase against its stemming: so much vastness in the gasping roots so much in the gasping tides • here & over that way here & over that way & here & here & here & • tide a crush of lilies an unravel a peel back lilies the tide unfurling against its anthers against it the tide it’s here its cold solid glass • the way it’s made up of lilies & cylindrical shells golden & ratioed & lisped round the edges licked eroded tongued out of its lilting seasong these lilies • here that it’s this: phrase & moment, an excerpt but not the whole a firmament of lily & lily over that way it’s all lilied up hear that it’s this: phrase & root • here & over that way • here lilies here tide here the lilies all tied in their glass cages in their tideswept stems leaves all tidied up these lilies these ones here & over & • here the tide’s colicky terror: that at some point lilies that at some point the body that the body here & over that way it’s all lilies in the tide • that at some point the body ends & stops beginning & stops ending • that at some point it’s all lilies that at some point it’s all here • & over that way • & what does that make of any preposterous, ecstatic love before the body of water before the body • of lilies • here lilies here tide • & over that way |
Abi Pollokoff is a Seattle-based writer and book artist with work previously in CutBank, Poetry Northwest, The Spectacle, and Black Warrior Review, among others. A 2019 Hugo House Fellow, she has been the poet in residence for the Seattle Review of Books and The Alice gallery. Currently, she is the events manager for Open Books: A Poem Emporium, the managing editor for Poetry Northwest Editions, and a content director in visual communications. She received her MFA from the University of Washington. Find her at