strology aries
Forcing forget on a Saturday in September is how you arrive at
the sea. To address the time of day would mean to reveal how time spends itself around. Sand dollars have no heart. Ask the doctor to get it in writing and faxed to the nearest machine: Sand Dollars Have No Heart. Are people the skeletons of the lives they create? Is your location determined by physical capability or you are where you are from the wash up? Aries, here is what you need to know: organisms of the sea cannot be repulsed by chipped toenail polish. Put your feet in. Walk in shallow oceans with suede sandals. Make skeleton picking your brave new hobby like gathering what’s left of things fallen while you bathe. In bed with yourself, terror shall leave no part unkissed. |
Shauna Barbosa’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Virginia Quarterly Review, the Awl, Colorado Review, No Tokens Journal, the Atlas Review, PANK, wildness, and others. She received her MFA from Bennington College. Her first book, Cape Verdean Blues, is forthcoming in spring 2018 from Pitt Poetry Series.
Molly Peters is a photographer based primarily in Los Angeles. After completing her BA in Photography and Italian Studies at Bard College in 2010, she has lived and worked on Martha’s Vineyard, New York City, and Rome before settling in Los Angeles. She is currently earning her MFA in photography through the Hartford Art School with an expected graduation in August 2018. You can see her work at and follow her on Instagram @hazardpeters.